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5 Ways to Make Greater Online Connections with Students

CEO of GradComm & former Director of Public and Governmental Relations, Marketing and Communications at MiraCosta College.

GradComm recently joined forces with Google to give our clients the edge in connecting more effectively with future students. Those who attended our clients-only webinar were treated to an exclusive event full of invaluable information and strategies for staying ahead of current enrollment trends as well as educational programming developments. While Google won’t allow us to share everything they presented, they did give us the green light to share five trends they want higher education marketers to keep their eyes on this year.

1. Market to students sooner

The number of students looking for a college education is projected to decline due in part to the Great Recession’s effect on birthrates. To keep up with supply and demand, it’s increasingly important that colleges start reaching out earlier than ever before; creating meaningful connections early will ensure aspiring students choose your school over others. Don’t be left behind when the “birth cliff” comes; get ahead by establishing relationships now!

2. Create in-demand paths for all demographics

With the emergence of new college audiences and differing goals due to Covid-19, colleges are faced with providing educational pathways that meet students’ needs. By understanding our key target demographics – high school graduates, transfer students, adult learners, and those from minority or low-income backgrounds – we can create engaging in-demand opportunities for all members of society. This includes considering how these individuals prefer to learn best— like online/blended learning formats and shorter-term career paths like two-year degrees or vocational schools. Creating initiatives with actionable results will guarantee each student has access to suitable options no matter their background or life stage.

3. Create belonging to increase retention

Nurture a culture of acceptance and support for your students – one that encourages them to stay, thrive and reach their potential. Establishing an engaging online community will help build connections between peers, providing reassurance and motivation to persist with their studies and unlock greater academic achievements. Research indicates that when friends or family refer someone to college they are more likely to remain enrolled— so foster long-term student relationships through this powerful sense of belonging!

4. Inspire students to aspire

Help students realize their dreams and unlock brighter futures by teaching them the invaluable power of education. Urge prospective students to boldly pursue what lies ahead; instill a sense of hope that will motivate them forward on a rewarding path with infinite possibilities! Whenever possible, incorporate personalized messages on their journey, and engage your audience to understand how higher education can bring extraordinary success directly to their lives.

5. Use actionable data and analytics

Tap into the power of data and analytics to maximize enrollments! By partnering with a media buying partner like GradComm, you’ll benefit from invaluable insights built on experience that will take your digital strategy to new heights. Plus, with real-time reporting on each platform’s success rate in achieving leads— opportunities for optimization are endless.

The time to adapt your marketing and enrollment strategies is now. If you want to increase enrollments and keep up with the competition, you need to be where your students are—and that’s online. Keep these five key points in mind as you build up your recruitment efforts: market to students sooner, create in-demand paths for all demographics, use actionable data and analytics, inspire students to aspire, and create belonging to increase retention. All of these will help you make more meaningful connections with future students.

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