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Revisiting the Old of Communications, Both Good and Bad

CEO of GradComm & former Director of Public and Governmental Relations, Marketing and Communications at MiraCosta College.

The holidays tend to make us nostalgic. Classic movies, long-held traditions, and even old habits pop up throughout the month of December. Some of these timeless activities have us longing for simpler times, but as communications professionals, we can’t help but savor how far we’ve come. Holiday memories aside, we’re happy to be beyond our triplicate days. As we approach 2022, let’s look back at what we miss and what we omit of the old marketing ways.

Come On Back! 

Handwritten Notes

Getting packages in the mail is exciting, but we sure do miss getting handwritten letters in the mail. While it may not be practical for official correspondence anymore, handwritten notes, letters and cards are still very much appreciated. We’re stocking up on stamps and postcards for 2022, so be sure to check your mailbox because we’re bringing this trend back!

Office Phones

While the cell phone has freed us from the shackles of the office, it also means we take the office wherever we go. Getting the old-fashioned office phone back would bring a much-needed reintroduction into work and personal life balance. 

Print Publications

Digital has rocketed marketing into an entirely new stratosphere, and we don’t know where we’d be without it. But there’s something to be said for the feel of a magazine page, the smell of a book, and the thrill of your brand expressed beautifully on paper. Blogs, websites, and digital mediums aren’t going anywhere, but we wouldn’t be surprised if high quality print makes it nostalgic return to marketing.


When we see old packaging, ads, and posters, we marvel at how detailed and elaborate they are – because at one point, they were all hand drawn. In recent years, simplistic design has reigned and the reliance on stock photography and stock graphics has most things feeling one-note and ordinary. We’re ready for the days when illustrators, graphic designers, and photographers make their comeback!

Creative Teams

I remember the first time I watched Mad Men and marveled at how stacked their creative teams were. Copywriters, creative directors, artists, marketers, and publicists – all with deep benches and all focused on their dedicated craft. As marketing teams shrink, professionals are expected to be all-in-one experts for near everything. That expectation has led to some seriously overtaxed employees, and as a result, some subpar work. 

Stay in the Past

Chain Emails

FORWARD THIS TO TEN PEOPLE BY MIDNIGHT OR HAVE BAD LUCK FOR ONE YEAR. Is it any wonder why chain emails didn’t work out? We get enough spam calls these days (who needs their car’s warranty extended?), so these chain emails can stay in junk where they belong. 

Fax Machines

It’s funny seeing fax numbers still displayed in email signatures, websites, and other materials. We know they come in handy, but this bastion of the past is so outdated that many students have never heard of or have an idea how to use it. It may pop its head up every now and again, but it’s time for the fax machine to take a final bow.

Manual Transcription

I think the typists will agree, manual transcription was a pain. Thanks to recordings and services like, we can turn our hour-long Zooms into easy notes for reference. Plus, no one has to listen to our embarrassing pre-meeting small talk anymore.

Cold Calls

Social media, email marketing, and other tactics have spared us a lot of off-base pitches. And while we still may get the cold email, we don’t miss the cold calls or door-to-door sales. Now only if those robo calls would take the hint… 


We may sometimes miss the voice at the other end of “0” but searching information on your phone is much more efficient. Remembering a nine-digit phone number off the top of your head? We’ll take Siri placing our calls any day of the week.

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